Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tired Thursday


* Half a cup raw oats plus one cup of water, cooked to make oatmeal
* Topped the oatmeal with some sultanas and sunflower seeds, plus half a cup of milk
* One glass of warm water with lemon juice

To be continued...


* Small bowl of salad - lettuce, cucumber, tomato, sprouts & carrot topped with a couple tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Snack: Protein shake containing 250mls soymilk, 100mls yoghurt (plain organic), two scoops Sculpt protein powder, 1 banana, 1 handful of frozen mixed berries - all blended together.

Dinner: Small bowl of salad as above, and half a cup of macaroni cheese - sauce was made from scratch using milk / butter / flour / cheese.

Water intake: 2.6L
Exercise: TEN pressups! 45 mins on the crosstrainer at home, then some leg lowers, heel slides and swiss ball squats.

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