Saturday, September 27, 2008


As you may have guessed, I have been on a bit of a "break"! Partly due to illness and partly due to having finished the 'first' 8 weeks with Clare.

When I get my act together and organised I will do a comprehensive update - but otherwise I am back on the wagon starting tomorrow!

It will be good to get back into the swing of things again :)


Monday, September 8, 2008

Soggy Monday

No real breakfast, just lots of coughing and tightness in my chest! Was enough to try and get my echinacea / water and herbs / water into me, along with the Vit C and a multivit, and some evening primrose oil caps.

Have been doing early dinner prep, so was nibbling on veges here and there - carrots, beans, and other yummy stuff.

To be continued...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fathers Day Sunday

Breakfast was a glass of warm water with echinacea, then another with some herbs in it to help fight these nasty germs. Then I had a little bit of leftover baked beans, from the big cooked breakfast I made for hubby.

Morning tea was maybe a quarter of a banana muffin (from the batch I made yesterday).

To be continued...

Lunch was a little bit of leftover green salad with tuna, and a little pasta on top. Got that yucky full feeling quite quickly so had to stop.

Dinner was vegetarian enchiladas - carrot, capsicum, and onion, with diced tomatoes, refried beans, and steamed rice cooked in vege stock. Threw that all in the saucepan, then put it inside some wraps, and bunged it in the oven.

Felt hungry at the time, and ate half of one (they were quite large), and then felt sick so had to use the bathroom facilities :(

Still keeping up with fluids, herbs, and other supplements to knock these bugs on the head!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The last few days..

The last few days, I have been a little under the weather - couple that with being busy and I haven't had the time nor the inclination to each much, let alone remember.

So I'm effectively going to skip Thursday, and do my best for Friday, and fortunately Saturday has only just begun...

Friday, 5th September, 2008

* Breakfast was one egg on toast
* Plenty of water
* No exercise / rest day
* Lunch was a mouthful of macaroni cheese
* Snacked on fruit
* Dinner was a little salad with tuna (just a few mouthfuls)

Saturday, 6th September, 2008

* Have had a glass of warm water with echinacea

Not much else yet as my stomach is in knots, so might try an apple in a little bit...

To be continued...

So I had the apple, and then half a muffin as I had been busy doing some baking.

Dinner was a salad with a little bit of tuna (yes, I am still eating a little fish), cottage cheese, lettuce, cucumber, sprouts, and spring onions. Only managed a third of what I made.

Lots and lots of water :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday


* Glass of warm water with echinacea
* Two poached eggs with two slices of wholegrain bread

Snack: Half an apple


* Protein shake with soymilk, banana, yoghurt and protein powder

Snack: One large carrot chopped into sticks, with some hummus

To be continued...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Toddly Tuesday


* One glass of warm water with echinacea
* Protein shake with 250mls soymilk, 1 diced banana, two scoops of protein powder, and some plain organic yoghurt.

To be continued...


* Small slice of vegetarian pizza (leftover from the other night)
* Cup of regular tea with milk

Snack: Two rice cakes thinly spread with cream cheese


* Vegetarian sausage and vegetable casserole: Carrot, cauliflower, mushrooms, beans, baby corn, capsicum, broccoli. 'Gravy' made from vegetable stock and home made white sauce (butter, flour, milk). Was delicious! Had with steamed rice.

Water intake: 2.6L
Exercise: Run & swim at the gym

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mundane Monday

September is here already! Yikes!


* Glass of warm water with echinacea supplement
* One poached egg on a slice of wholegrain toast

Snack: Half a banana, half an apple, and half a dozen rice crackers

To be continued...


* Two slices of wholegrain bread (toasted), spread with avocado, and sliced tomato on top


* Hand sized portion of vegetarian lasagne, quite filling! Had carrots, courgette, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin and mushrooms in it, along with a couple of eggs and some ricotta cheese. Also used some tomato puree and refried beans to help the layers stick.

Water intake: 2.4L
Exercise: Weights / strength at the gym

Sunday, 31st August, 2008


* One glass of warm water with lemon juice
* One banana

Ate late as I slept in and consequently not as hungry as usual.


* Bowl of green salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomato, caps)
* Small palm sized portion of macaroni cheese (home made sauce from scratch)


Vegetarian pizza on homemade base - YUM! Made a meat pizza for hubby with pepperoni, but otherwise they were topped with mushroom, onion, capsicum, pineapple and a tiny bit of sour cream. Had two slices about as wide and tall as my hand.

Water intake: 2.4L
Exercise: Extra rest day - though I did do my pressups.

Saturday, 30th August, 2008


* One poached egg on a slice of wholegrain toast
* One glass of warm water with echinacea

The rest of the day was rather snacky, as the little girl and I went to another little girl's birthday party, so the food was all nibbly. The good news is, most of it was really healthy - club sandwiches, vege sticks, hummus, fruit etc! And I only had a tiny portion (half the size of my palm) of birthday cake.


* Hand sized portion of steamed terakihi
* Small handful of potato chips (oops)
* Side of steamed carrots and broccoli shared with the midget

Water intake: 2L
Exercise: Rest day