Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday, 9th August, 2008

We were hoping for a sleep in today - yeah right! Not feeling as tired, thankfully.


* One glass of warm water with lemon juice
* One protein shake with 250mls soymilk, 1 chopped banana, two scoops of Sculpt protein powder
* A handful of nuts

Still not very hungry though, and got sidetracked with potty training... woohoo!

Snack: 2/3 of a sliced apple and one cup of chai tea (decaffeinated) with milk


* Very thin pizza bread base for my new creation - a 'salad' pizza ;) from Spread with a chunky tomato sauce on the bottom, covered in baby spinach leaves, added a few slices of pepperoni, sliced tomato, mushrooms, and pineapple. Blasted in the oven for 7 minutes and voila! Had two slices about the size of my hand, and not quite as wide (maybe less by an inch?).

Snack: Protein shake made with 250mls soymilk, two scoops of Sculpt protein powder, 1 chopped banana, and half a cup of plain organic acidophilus yoghurt. Yum!

To be continued with Dinner...

Water intake: So far about 1.8L
Exercise: 45 mins on the crosstrainer (afternoon, at home)

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