Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, 15th August, 2008


* One slice of wholegrain toast with a poached egg (prepared two but was full after one)
* One glass of warm water with lemon juice

Snack: 3/4 cup of home made 'fruit salad', ie: chopped up apple, peaches, kiwifruit, and some banana. Small handful of raw mixed nuts.

Lunch: 'Chicken, Bacon & Ranch' salad from Subway

Snack: 3-4 rice crackers and a banana


NB - here is where I fell down today, as we (Erin & I) got home late, then the husband and I were due to go out to the movies. So all I had was a quick peanut butter sandwich on wholegrain bread, and a cup of green tea. I might have also sampled some popcorn (plain) at the movies.

Water intake: 2L
Exercise: Day off

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