Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday, 7th August, 2008

So far nothing too exciting...


* Half a cup raw oats plus one cup of water, cooked to make oatmeal
* Topped the oatmeal with half a sliced banana, some sultanas, and sunflower seeds, plus half a cup of milk
* One glass of warm water with lemon juice

Post workout snack: Apple juice, handful of raw mixed nuts

"Lunch" was a protein shake at about noon - 250mls of soymilk, two scoops of Sculpt protein powder, and one chopped banana (all blended together) - YUM. After that though, I really wasn't hungry, so didn't want to force myself.

At about 2:30pm once my little toad was in bed I had two rice cakes, topped with a little hummus, a slice of pepperoni, a teaspoon of cottage cheese, and a slice of tomato.

Dinner was about 6pm, but all I could muster was a bowl of salad - lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, sprouts, and some smoked salmon broken up on top. Was quite yummy actually!

I also had a cup of chai tea (decaffeinated) with milk about 9pm.

Water intake: 2.2L
Exercise: Lower body workout at the gym (morning)

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