Monday, August 18, 2008

Marvellous Monday

I seem to have misplaced my 'up & go' this morning, here's hoping I find it!


* One slice of wholegrain toast, spread thinly with rice bran oil spread (NB I have yet to buy cold pressed olive oil to mix with my butter to see about making it spreadable)
* One pan fried egg, no oil (just water)
* One glass of warm water with lemon juice

Snack: Half an apple & a rice cake, then post workout - some apple juice and a handful of raw mixed nuts


Not the best - I know!

* The crusts off my daughters peanut butter sandwiches (at least it was wholegrain bread and unsalted peanut butter!) - mmm...
* Protein shake with 250mls soymilk, about 75 mls plain organic yoghurt, two scoops of protein powder, and 1 chopped banana
* Small carrot chopped into sticks, about half an hour after the shake

Snack: Snacked on various veges as I was chopping them up for dinner


* Vege filled stirfry - YUM! Including: Capsicum, carrot, onion, mushroom, celery, broccoli, cauliflower - also added tofu and hokkein noodles, with a tiny little bit of soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce.

Water intake: about 3L
Exercise: Weights / strength workout at the gym (morning)

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