Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today - So far so good!


* One glass of warm water with lemon juice
* Two slices of wholegrain toast, thinly spread with cream cheese
* Two eggs, panfried (no oil)

To be continued...

So, I fell down a bit when it came to lunch. Yes folks, I ate a cheeseburger - and regretted it immediately after!

So for a later-ish snack I had an apple, the last of the raw nuts (maybe one cup?) and one plain rice cake.


* Steamed peas and carrots (about 3/4 cup)
* Steamed rice (about the same as the veges)
* Hand sized portion of 20 Minute Chilli, mmm...

Water intake: 2.4L
Exercise: 1hr kickass swim session with Clare!

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